
AGC Utah

Recruit, Retain, And Reward Key Employees and Executives


Solutions that can provide your company with tax advantages and help you recruit, retain, and reward employees and executives.

We have heard from AGC members that employee recruitment and retention is a major issue in today’s competitive construction market. Building a high-performing organization has always been critical to maintaining your firms competitive edge. In today’s market, that’s even more difficult as workforce changes are creating:

  • A shortage of qualified workers in almost all crucial areas. Per Richard Thorn, President of AGC, “we need bodies…it is the single largest issue in the industry1”. This is a trend that will most likely continue as baby boomers retire at 10,000 per day2.
  • Greater competition for “top” performers and key employees that fill those roles.
  • Employee turnover, especially in key positions, costs businesses: time, work productivity, quality, money, and even customers.

Business Planning Group would like to help you and your company build and retain a high-performance team. As a fellow member of the AGC of Utah, we hope you’ll accept our offer to provide your company a free “recruit, retain, and reward consultation.”  If you are interested in building and retaining a high-performance team for your company, give us a call or email to setup a meeting with our principals. Lunch, golf, or the conference room is on us.

Business Planning Group is proud to be a member of the AGC of Utah. Business Planning Group assists organizations and clients in understanding and implementing qualified plans, executive and employee benefit plans, enterprise risk management, and estate and legacy planning strategies. We help clients build personal wealth, attract and retain successful teams, and create a powerful impact into the future.